Municipal Law Practice Areas
Zoning and Defense of Ordinance Challenges
The Firm has extensive experience defending municipal land use challenges and zoning ordinances, including successful outcomes in Washington Township (Morris County), Mount Olive Township, West Milford Township and Hanover Township. Zoning and Ordinance challenges are also known as Prerogative Writ cases. There are few firms in the State that have extensive experience in this area of the law. We have the experience and success of significant decisions defending zoning ordinances in Passaic, Morris and Sussex Counties.
Land Use and Affordable Housing Issues
Contract Matters Involving Public Entities
Dorsey & Semrau has successfully defended a wide variety of municipal contract matters, including land acquisition, construction, and local public contract disputes.
Municipal Tax Appeals
Municipal Attorney
Open Public Records Act
Open Public Meetings Act
Drafting Legislation
Special Labor Counsel

(973) 334-1900
(973) 334-3408